Hey, everyone! I'm Bill, but some of you might know me as Obryn. I'm a regular poster on ENWorld and Circvs Maximvs, a relative newb over at RPG.net, and tend to avoid the WotC forae whenever possible.
I've been gaming for just about my entire life that I can remember, back into elementary school. Like so many others, I started with the 1981 Basic Set - the one with the three-hole-punch margins and the awesome Erol Otus cover. My parents' friends' kids came over and taught a few of us how to play; I got into it so much that the DM sold me the red book and some dice because he was planning on moving to Advanced D&D. (A few years later, my parents bought all his AD&D books for me, too.)
I've played D&D through all of 2e, all of 3.0 and 3.5, and now 4e. In addition, I love playing and trying out other games - in the past few years, that's included Call of Cthulhu (BRP and d20 versions), FATE (Fudge Edition), Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (just 2e for now), Star Wars Saga Edition, Paranoia, and Kobolds Ate My Baby. Over the years, I've also played Earthdawn, Buffy, Mythus, GURPS, WEG Star Wars, TORG, and ... damn, more, I'm sure.
My basic gaming philosophy is simple - play games to their strengths and against their weaknesses. Play lots of different games - the experiences can only help you become a better all-around gamer. I have a lot of different gaming itches I want scratched, and it's foolish to expect any single game system could hit all of them. And, honestly, I think this is where a lot of gamers find themselves discontented - they expect one system to do everything for them, and get disheartened when it doesn't.
I'm sure this will creep into this blog in the future. But for right now, that about sums it up. I hope I remember to put interesting stuff in this blog, and I hope my (probably imaginary) future readers will enjoy it, too.